PROMIS item banks
The Dutch-Flemish PROMIS group is working on a Dutch/Flemish translation of the PROMIS item banks, which will soon be available for validation studies.
NEWS March 2012
Recently, a group of Dutch researchers from the University of Twente has published an article (epub ehead of print March 2012) on a Dutch translation of the PROMIS physical functioning item bank. We would like to notify people who are interested in using the PROMIS item banks that this translation is NOT the official Dutch translation. The authors of this study have not cooperated on this translation with the US development center of PROMIS. The official Dutch (and Flemish) translation of the PROMIS item banks is made by FACITtrans, in cooperation with the PROMIS statistical Center, the translation manager of the US PROMIS item banks and the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS group. This translation is currently being tested in the Dutch and Flemish population and will be available for validation studies soon. The recently published physical functioning item bank will therefore not be acknowledged by the US PROMIS group. The Dutch-Flemish PROMIS group recommend people NOT to use this version. More information on the official Dutch/Flemish translation of the PROMIS item banks can be obtained from the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS group, contact Dr. Caroline Terwee.
What is PROMIS?
PROMIS stands for Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS, The PROMIS system includes a series of item banks (an item bank is a set of questions that measures one concept) to measure patient-reported aspects of health status. The items can be administered adaptively through computerized adaptive testing (CAT). It is also possible to administer an entire item bank in the form of a questionnaire.
Dutch-Flemish translation of PROMIS
Recently, the PROMIS item banks were translated into Dutch-Flemish by Facittrans, LLC, under the authority of the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS Group. The aim was to make one integrated Dutch-Flemish translation. The translated items are currently tested in the Dutch and Flemish population. We expect that the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS item banks will be available for validation studies in the summer of 2012.
Here you can find more information about item banks, CAT and the concepts that can be measured with the PROMIS item banks.
Validation of the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS item banks
Before the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS item bank scan be used in research or in individual patient care, validation studies are needed. The item banks are based on Item Response Theory (IRT) models. It is important to determine whether the item parameters of the underlying IRT model are the same in the Dutch-Flemish population as in the US population. If that is not the case, wrong health status estimates may be obtained.
Seeking collaboraton for validation studies
The Dutch-Flemish PROMIS Group is looking for research groups who would like to collaborate in validation studies of the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS item banks. We are especially looking for (large) studies in which complete item banks can be administered. We offer collaboration in data analyses and publications.
Are you interested in collaboration? Complete here a
registration form. We will keep you informed about the course and planning of the translation and we will inform you when the item banks will be ready for inclusion in validation studies.
De Dutch-Flemish PROMIS Group
Dr. Caroline Terwee, VU University Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Dr. Leo D. Roorda, Reade, Center for Rehabilitation and Rheumatology Riekie de Vet, VU University Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Prof.dr. Joost Dekker, VU University Medical Center, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Psychiatry
Prof.dr. Rene Westhovens, Catholic University Leuven, Department of Rheumatology,.
Dave Cella, Department of Medical Social Sciences, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, US
Jaap van Leeuwen, CEO Leones Group bv
Prof.dr. Maarten Boers, VU University Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics