
VU medisch Centrum

EMGO institute for health and care research


The Knowledgecenter Measurement Instruments has a board of three members, who are responsible for consultations (Dr. C.B. Terwee), education (Prof. dr. J. Dekker) and research (Prof. dr. H.C.W. de Vet). The Knowledgecenter receives support from the Department of Data Management of the VU Univeristy Medical Center.
The Knowledgecenter has a Clinimetrics working group, consisting of researchers with interest in clinimetrics and methodology development from different departments and institutes of the VU University, VU University Medical Center, and some other research institutes. The groups aims to improve the knowledge on clinimetrics by writing methodological scientific articles on clinimetric issues and by performing methodological and applied clinimetric research.
Employees of the Knowledgecenter are responsible for consultations, education, and research and have expertise in clinimetrics, psychometrics, and medical informatics.
Prof. dr. H.C.W. de Vet, epidemiologist, professor in Clinimetrics
Dr. C.B. Terwee, epidemiologist, assistant professor in Clinimetrics
Dr. L.B. Mokkink, epidemiologist, post-doc in Clinimetrics
Dr. R.W. Ostelo, fysiotherapist, epidemiologist, associate professor in Clinimetrics
Prof. dr. J. Dekker, psychologist, professor in Allied Health Care, expert in Clinimetrics
Dr. D.L. Knol, psychometrician
Drs. E.P. Jansma, information specialist