VU medisch Centrum

EMGO institute for health and care research

What is the AAQ?
The computer-administered Animated Activity Questionnaire (AAQ) is a newly developed
measurement instrument that sets out to measure functional limitations in basic daily activities (e.g. walking, stair climbing, rising from a chair etc.). The AAQ is a Patient reported Outcome Measure (PROM) and is specifically designed for patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis. In each item of the AAQ, respondents are exposed to a different set of animated videos. Each video represents a certain level of physical impairment and subjects are requested to choose the animation that best reflects there own situation.
Complete the AAQ
To complete the AAQ, click on the picture below. Your score will not be saved, we are working on a version in which this is possible for research purposes.
Why is the AAQ important?
To date, PROMs are frequently implemented during the assessment of functional limitations, especially in the field of osteoarthritis. However, in most existing PROMs the respondent is  requested to refer to ‘a certain degree of  difficulty’ to describe their experience during basic daily activities. A strong body of evidence signifies that results of PROMs are highly influenced by the perception of the term difficulty and to the adopted reference frame of the respondent. Nonetheless, since the AAQ utilizes integrated animations in a standardized virtual environment, the influence of such factors is reduced.
The validity of the AAQ has been assessed in a large European Project, including seven countries (i.e. the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, France, UK, and Norway).
The development of the AAQ
The AAQ is based upon existing questionnaires together with experiences of patients and clinicians in the field. MOTEK, a specialized 3-dimensional studio production company developed the animation videos. Registered motions of two physiotherapists (who acted as patients) - experienced in the treatment of osteoarthritis patients - were recorded according to the motion capture technique by use of a special suit with integrated movement sensors. In order to establish relevant limited activities and adequate levels of limitations a focus group of hip and knee osteoarthritis patients was consulted.
Video one and two give an impression of the development process. In video three and four you can watch an example of the final version of the AAQ which is used in the validation study.
This project was funded by the Dutch Arthritis Association (Reumafonds), the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and the
Anna Foundation (Anna Fonds | NOREF).




Click here to find publications on the development and validation of the AAQ.


Video 1: The AAQ in development (female version)



Video 2: The AAQ in development (male version)



Video 3: The final version (female version)



Video 4: The final version (male version)